Google Analytics Now in Book Store


I’ve been using Google Analytics for almost a month now. It’s still the best web analyzer i have ever used. Now, we can find the book about it in bookstore,

Google Analytics, by Mary E. Tyler and Jerri L. Ledford (Wiley Publishing) has just come out, the first of what we hope will be many helpful titles on Google Analytics. It walks through the whys and hows of most of the Google Analytics reports and provides some good hypothetical and real-world cases of how you can use the information.

Memburu Sisi Lain Programmer Dengan Google Code Search

Google terkenal dengan kemampuannya menampilkan hasil pencarian yang lengkap, terlalu lengkap bahkan. Sampai hal-hal yang sebelumnya mungkin tidak ingin kita ketahui ikut ditampilkan juga.

Google Code Search misalnya, yang baru-baru ini dirilis, awalnya bertujuan untuk memudahkan programmer mencari skrip atau kode yang ia butuhkan. Tapi Google memberi kita lebih dari itu.

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How many “fucks” do you have in your source code?

Google recently released the Google Code search, which searches through open source tarballs and zips, and tries to find the number of occurences of a specific query, and then showing them.

As in any search engine, it is always interesting to know what people did that not many people know. For example, how often programmer swear in his source code.

This guy did a little research about this,

It is known that programmers swear alot. There’s always fucks, shits, cunts, bitches, crap. There’s the kernel fuck count, for example, which shows the number of findings of “fuck” and “love” in the Linux kernel, over different versions of the kernel.

So, what language is the most sweared one? Here you go,


Pinging Google blog search for WordPress

In addition to my previous google pinging services, for you who use wordpress you can also add google blog search ping into your update services.

Once you’ve logged into WP, go to Options > Writing and add this line under “Update Services”:

Is Google The Moron Who Will Buy YouTube?

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Couple days ago Mark Cuban said that whoever buys YouTube is a moron, due to the potential for copyright violation lawsuits.

Now, Google in talks to buy you tube for $1.6B. Well, let’s just see who’s the real moron here, Mark Cuban or Google.


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Finally, Google Blog Search Pinging Service. Try mine

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After my blogs suddenly dissapeared from technorati, i found new way to promote this nice blogs of mine using Google Blog Search. Horeey.

Today, Google official blogs announced about Google Blog Search Pinging Service. After about 15 minutes studying its API, i finally sat down and write it out using PHP.

So here you go, i used my old NuSoap to send xml-rpc to Google blog search. Try it out yourself.

You can also see the source here.

By the way, can anyone tell me what in Google earth is wrong with my technorati?????

Selamat Datang Kawan, Gimana Kabar Kota Jakarta hari ini??

Barusan mampir di situsnya cikul. Begitu opening langsung dikasih suara aneh-aneh, kirain laptop ngadat lagi, taunya flash do’i yang ngebuat suara aneh itu.

Dah gitu, di halaman depannya tertulis,

Selamat Datang Kawan, Gimana Kabar Kota Jakarta hari ini??

kelihatannya ini hasil skrip otomatis untuk mendeteksi lokasi. Tapi maaf teman, salah tuh, aku bukan di Jakarta tapi di tempat lain yang agak jauh dari Jakarta. Mungkin dia harus belajar dari yang lebih akurat tebakannya.
